Monday, 30 October 2017


|| God will never assign you to what he hasn't design - Myles Munroe

Text: Judges 6:14 The LORD turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?"

Wow, what an Almighty God we serve.

When we feel unprepared, unequipped and not up to the task this God just whisper into our ears saying "Go in the strength you have.."

Beloved, the above scripture talks about a young man called Gideon, whom the LORD called to save his nation Israel. He felt he should not be the one to be enrolled for that task.

He tried to look down on himself but God quickly intervened and told him Go in this your might.

Beloved, what is God telling you to do that you think you're not ready for it?

Oh you may be saying:

1. I don't have the skills yet, don't forget God has prepared an Aaron to help you out.

2. I don't have any experience; But at least you have killed some bear, Go in this thy might.

3. Hmmmm I don't have any influence in this community etc. Yes it's true But who is sending you?

If you truly believe in the one who is sending you, then you have no excuse.

Please Get this:
God will never assign you to anything he hasn't design.  God will never expect what he hasn't inject in you.

Oh what great testimony that awaits you if you will just go just as you are.

Oh May you not missed your greatness because of ignorance of God's provision in Jesus name.

Prayer: Lord,  I thank you. Take over my little strength and use it to glorify Yourself. Oh yes do it for Your Name sake. Amen

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


|| God is faithful not because He wants to be but because He is.

Text: Mark 9:23 "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."
Mark 9:24 Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

A lot has been said about the subject of believe and faith but open up your spirit once more to receive from God.

The above text talks about a man who brought his epileptic son to the disciples of Jesus for them to heal him. They did all that they can but they couldn't heal the boy.

The father was so disturbed, and I believe he was asking himself these questions:
1. Are these not the disciples of the great physician?
2. Are these not those whom Christ himself has appointed?

Then why couldn't they heal my son. He may be saying, well, then what I heard about this man Jesus may not be the truth or else this thing is above His authority.

When Jesus appeared, the man couldn't say anything than to say "If you can?" .

Are you at the junction of "IF YOU CAN"?
1. Yes it is true, you may have gone to all the watch nights that came your way.
2. Yes, you may have fasted and waited on God for weeks and even months.
3. Sure, you may have given most of resources to support the kingdom business.
4. You have been faithful to both God and man in all your dealings etc.

Hoping that your earnest expectations may come true but it seems there is no sign of hope. Things keep delaying.

But listen, God is never late. Jesus told the man, it's not about if I can but you believing. To him who believes all things are possible.

The man quickly was convicted and he said LORD " I do believe, help my unbelief ".

Getting answers from God it's not about the methods employed but the unwavering faith in the doable God.

Ask God to forgive you for not believing His word as it is?
Oh that you may grasp this, that against all hope you will still have faith in God.
God is faithful not because He wants to be but because He is.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thought I am being rational but not knowing it's unbelief. Please help my unbelief and make me trust you more. Amen.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017


|| One way to value souls is to pray for them. This too is love.

Text: 1Timothy 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--

One thing that I have realised in this life is that no one hates to be pray for, especially concerning their welfare.

How wide do you pray? How wide can you pray? A person bought by the blood of Jesus has the obligation to pray for all men.

Paul told Timothy that let this be your priority:
1. Let requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone
2. For Kings and those in Authority

Wow, A senior minister advising a young minister to make this a priority.

He didn't say first of all pray for mega churches but for souls.
He didn't say first of all pray for bountiful annual fundraising or tithes but for souls.

Why? 1Timothy 2:3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior.

Oh beloved, how wide are you praying?

Do your prayers cover?
1. The physically challenged around you
2. The beggars on the street
3. The hard criminals in the country
4. People from Broken homes
5. The ministers of the gospel in the remote parts of the world
6. Those in authorities
7. Those who called themselves gays or lesbians
8. Those of other faiths etc.

Beloved, if you believe in the power of prayer you will never underutilized it.

No one is above the influence of an effective prayer. Pray for all men. The results are great.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, this one thing you love doing, that is praying for all men; please put the same burden on my heart to intercede for others too. Amen

Wednesday, 11 October 2017


|| The only way the nearsighted can see far is to be with the God who sees everything.

Text: Psalm 42:11 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Saviour and my God. NIV

Have you ever thought about this? That during moments of praise and worship a person vision is made more clearer to him? Yes it does.

Praise has the power to bring us into the realm where our vision is made more clearer to us than ever.
Most at times our vision as individuals, corporate group, churches etc are crowed by:
1. The fear of uncertainty.
2. The fear of failure.
3. The anxiety of not getting the needed resources.
4. The oppositions arising from different angles.
5. The storms that arise within due to misunderstanding.
Our adversary, who is the devil tends to use them to make us nearsighted until we get to the place of losing focus on the vision God gave us.

But thanks be to God there is a sure solution to these attacks of the devil.
Yes praise praise praise praise praise God all the times, yes don't hold back praise especially in your darkest moments.

Truths about Praise
1. Praise brings you into the environment of possibilities.

2. Praise gives you the opportunity to trust in the God who gave you that vision.

3. Praise helps you to remind God's faithfulness in the past and the certainty that He will do it again.

4. Oh Praise gives you a new spectacle, yes a spectacle of Faith to see beyond your fears.
5. Praise allows God to work on your impatience and grant you peace within.

Oh will you take along your
1. Shattered vision
2. Disappointments
3. Failures
4. Fears
5. Confusion
into a moment of praise and adoration?

God is right there to give you clarity. Yes arise Oh my Soul and praise the LORD.

Prayer: Lord, I praise you. Yes You are self-existing God, Untameable, Most Glorious. My Source of Vision, I bless you forever. Amen

Sunday, 8 October 2017


|| There is no shyness in the operating room, you need to be naked in someway to be worked on.

TEXT: Psa 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

A surgeon can never operate where he has to until he cuts the exact region.
In the same vein, God cannot work on you if you are still covering your sins. You must repent, confess it as it is and surrender to Him.

When David was crying out, Create in me a pure heart, I believe that he was lying on a bed in God's operating room.Yes ready for God to cut through him to give him a clean heart.

For God to create in us a pure heart we need to walk into His operating room, yes a place where the Presence of God is inevitable.
Oh don't think about a location but a God conscious environment yes 'an Eden'. In the moments of prayer, worship, praise, waiting in fasting and meditation on His word.

A place where the mind, emotions, will, intellect, strength, pride etc are totally surrendered before God.
A place where one's will has been made submissive to God's will for the Spirit of God to take over.

Oh are you really naked before God, for Him to operate on you?
Are you still holding onto your pride and calling ''create in me a clean heart''?

Everything you called a stronghold must be surrendered before you can have a touch of God.
God demands absolute obedience and surrender from those who seek him.

In God's operating room only the surrendered get worked on.
Avail yourself for the touch of the Holy Spirit now.

Prayer: LORD, I Thank you. I count everything but lost to seek You alone. Amen


|| There is no shyness in the operating room, you need to be naked in someway to be worked on.

TEXT: Psa 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

A surgeon can never operate where he has to until he cuts the exact region.
In the same vein, God cannot work on you if you are still covering your sins. You must repent, confess it as it is and surrender to Him.

When David was crying out, Create in me a pure heart, I believe that he was lying on a bed in God's operating room.Yes ready for God to cut through him to give him a clean heart.

For God to create in us a pure heart we need to walk into His operating room, yes a place where the Presence of God is inevitable.
Oh don't think about a location but a God conscious environment yes 'an Eden'. In the moments of prayer, worship, praise, waiting in fasting and meditation on His word.

A place where the mind, emotions, will, intellect, strength, pride etc are totally surrendered before God.
A place where one's will has been made submissive to God's will for the Spirit of God to take over.

Oh are you really naked before God, for Him to operate on you?
Are still holding onto your pride and calling ''create in me a clean heart''?

Everything you called it a stronghold must be surrendered before you can have a touch of God.
God demands absolute obedience and surrender from those who seek him.

In God's operating room only the surrendered get worked on.
Avail yourself for the touch of the Holy Spirit now.

Prayer: LORD, I Thank you. I count everything but lost to seek You alone. Amen

Thursday, 5 October 2017


|| Don't subscribe to a permanent solution because of a temporary situation.

Job 2:9 His wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!"

Oh troubled soul what voices are you hearing?
What sort of temptations are you going through now?

What crossroad are you now?
Do you still have confident in God or you want to curse God and Die?

Curse God and die was the only 'consolation word' Job's wife  could give to him during his darkest moments.

At that time Job was expecting words like 'Honey press on, don't give up and I am praying with you...' But that was not the case.
The wife uttered these words without showing remorse 'Curse God and Die'.

You may be in similar situation right now, where you loved ones, companions, church leaders, friends etc. are saying why won't you curse God and Die.

What Does it mean to 'Curse God and Die'?

1. Denouncing one's Faith:  It is where you denounce your faith in the ever-present God in times of trouble. Anyone who puts his hand in the plough and takes it back is not worthy of God's kingdom.

2. Tired of Living by God's Word:  Where you think your holy living, faithfulness, integrity etc. has cost you
A. Some delayance in your marriage
B. The suffering you are in now
C. The lost of your Job or promotion
D. The break up of certain friendships and social connection etc.
And now you think it's not worth living for God anymore so you want mess up to get your desires fulfilled.

Beloved you've gone too far and God has drawn more nearer to you than ever for you to draw back now.

Today, this is God's word for you, My purpose shall surely come to pass.

I am the Lord your deliverer
I am the Lord your Promoter
I am the Lord your Comforter
I am the Lord your Healer
I am the Lord your life architect
I am the Lord the fulfiller of your desires

Arise oh  an encouraged soul and hope in God again. Amen

Prayer: Lord, I thank You for having me on your mind. I know in your own time  you will make things beautiful in Jesus name. Amen.


|| Don't subscribe to a permanent solution because of a temporary situation.

Job 2:9 His wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!"

Oh troubled soul what voices are you hearing?
What sort of temptations are you going through now?

What crossroad are you now?
Do you still have confident in God or you want to curse God and Die?

Curse God and die was the only 'consolation word' Job's wife  could give to him during his darkest moments.

At that time Job was expecting words like 'Honey press on, don't give up and I am praying with you...' But that was not the case.
The wife uttered these words without showing remorse 'Curse God and Die'.

You may be in similar situation right now, where you loved ones, companions, church leaders, friends etc. are saying why won't you curse God and Die.

What Does it mean to 'Curse God and Die'?

1. Denouncing one's Faith:  It is where you denounce your faith in the ever-present God in times of trouble. Anyone who puts his hand in the plough and takes it back is not worthy of God's kingdom.

2. Tired of Living by God's Word:  Where you think your holy living, faithfulness, integrity etc. has cost you
A. Some delayance in your marriage
B. The suffering you are in now
C. The lost of your Job or promotion
D. The break up of certain friendships and social connection etc.
And now you think it's not worth living for God anymore so you want mess up to get your desires fulfilled.

Beloved you've gone too far and God has drawn more nearer to you than ever for you to draw back now.

Today, this is God's word for you, My purpose shall surely come to pass.

I am the Lord your deliverer
I am the Lord your Promoter
I am the Lord your Comforter
I am the Lord your Healer
I am the Lord your life architect
I am the Lord the fulfiller of your desires

Arise oh  an encouraged soul and hope in God again. Amen

Prayer: Lord, I thank You for having me on your mind. I know in your own time  you will make things beautiful in Jesus name. Amen.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017


|| Oh Rescue the perishing; Duty Demands it.

Text: Matthew 9:37-38
[37] He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.
[38] So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

The fields are white already for harvest in our generation than ever but the workers are few.

Will the soldier of Christ catch this vision of his Captain, the Lord of Hosts?

Beloved if there has been a time people need Christ in their lives it is now.

People are living helpless, hopeless and purposeless lives.
And the solution to this is for them to meet the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Yes the world is seriously in need of the glorious Gospel.

Occultism, pornography, alcoholism, gaming, corruption, sexual immorality, infidelity, inhumane treatment etc are all over the world.

A necessity must be laid upon you to make Christ known.

Oh a believer purchased by the precious blood of Jesus can you see the Vision Now:

The Harvest Vision says:

1. Rescue the perishing

2. Duty demands

3. Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide

4. Back to the narrow way

5. Patiently win them

6. Tell the poor wand’rer a Savior has died.

There is a Jesus Christ who saves and the world must know Him.

No other person but you must catch that vision now.

Prayer: Lord, Forgive me for my poor attitude towards the saving of the Lost; ignite my zeal to do better in Jesus name. Amen

Monday, 2 October 2017


|| The cry of a longing heart for God's greater Glory

Text: Psalms 119:135 Make your face shine upon your servant and teach me your decrees.

The Glory of our Lord is so awesome that we can't afford to go about our work without having an iota of it.

The psalmist knew how blessed it is to have God's face shining on him.

Peter, John and James saw a bit of it during the transfiguration of Jesus Christ and they didn't even want to come back home.

Oooo Yes there is a glory of our Lord when it shines upon us we can never be the same.

When His face shines upon us:

1. We become a reflection of Him to others

2. We receive His affirmation

3. We receive His favour
4. Yes we walk with a refreshed spirit.

5. Our souls will be nourished to overcome life temptations.

6. It teaches us nothing but Holiness.
7. It reminds us of nothing but the joy set before us.
8. It heals every wounded soul and revives weak spirit.

Wow what a joy to behold the shining face of the our most trusted Elder Brother who is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Oh Our Lord shine on us and make every mountain before us as a plain land.

Gently wrap us in your glory and for with you all things are possible.

Prayer: Lord wrap me in your glory and continue to shine on me even in my darkest moments. Amen