Tuesday, 17 October 2017


|| One way to value souls is to pray for them. This too is love.

Text: 1Timothy 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--

One thing that I have realised in this life is that no one hates to be pray for, especially concerning their welfare.

How wide do you pray? How wide can you pray? A person bought by the blood of Jesus has the obligation to pray for all men.

Paul told Timothy that let this be your priority:
1. Let requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone
2. For Kings and those in Authority

Wow, A senior minister advising a young minister to make this a priority.

He didn't say first of all pray for mega churches but for souls.
He didn't say first of all pray for bountiful annual fundraising or tithes but for souls.

Why? 1Timothy 2:3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior.

Oh beloved, how wide are you praying?

Do your prayers cover?
1. The physically challenged around you
2. The beggars on the street
3. The hard criminals in the country
4. People from Broken homes
5. The ministers of the gospel in the remote parts of the world
6. Those in authorities
7. Those who called themselves gays or lesbians
8. Those of other faiths etc.

Beloved, if you believe in the power of prayer you will never underutilized it.

No one is above the influence of an effective prayer. Pray for all men. The results are great.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, this one thing you love doing, that is praying for all men; please put the same burden on my heart to intercede for others too. Amen

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