|| God will never assign you to what he hasn't design - Myles Munroe
Text: Judges 6:14 The LORD turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?"
Wow, what an Almighty God we serve.
When we feel unprepared, unequipped and not up to the task this God just whisper into our ears saying "Go in the strength you have.."
Beloved, the above scripture talks about a young man called Gideon, whom the LORD called to save his nation Israel. He felt he should not be the one to be enrolled for that task.
He tried to look down on himself but God quickly intervened and told him Go in this your might.
Beloved, what is God telling you to do that you think you're not ready for it?
Oh you may be saying:
1. I don't have the skills yet, don't forget God has prepared an Aaron to help you out.
2. I don't have any experience; But at least you have killed some bear, Go in this thy might.
3. Hmmmm I don't have any influence in this community etc. Yes it's true But who is sending you?
If you truly believe in the one who is sending you, then you have no excuse.
Please Get this:
God will never assign you to anything he hasn't design. God will never expect what he hasn't inject in you.
Oh what great testimony that awaits you if you will just go just as you are.
Oh May you not missed your greatness because of ignorance of God's provision in Jesus name.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you. Take over my little strength and use it to glorify Yourself. Oh yes do it for Your Name sake. Amen
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