|| God is faithful not because He wants to be but because He is.
Text: Mark 9:23 "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."
Mark 9:24 Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
A lot has been said about the subject of believe and faith but open up your spirit once more to receive from God.
The above text talks about a man who brought his epileptic son to the disciples of Jesus for them to heal him. They did all that they can but they couldn't heal the boy.
The father was so disturbed, and I believe he was asking himself these questions:
1. Are these not the disciples of the great physician?
2. Are these not those whom Christ himself has appointed?
Then why couldn't they heal my son. He may be saying, well, then what I heard about this man Jesus may not be the truth or else this thing is above His authority.
When Jesus appeared, the man couldn't say anything than to say "If you can?" .
Are you at the junction of "IF YOU CAN"?
1. Yes it is true, you may have gone to all the watch nights that came your way.
2. Yes, you may have fasted and waited on God for weeks and even months.
3. Sure, you may have given most of resources to support the kingdom business.
4. You have been faithful to both God and man in all your dealings etc.
Hoping that your earnest expectations may come true but it seems there is no sign of hope. Things keep delaying.
But listen, God is never late. Jesus told the man, it's not about if I can but you believing. To him who believes all things are possible.
The man quickly was convicted and he said LORD " I do believe, help my unbelief ".
Getting answers from God it's not about the methods employed but the unwavering faith in the doable God.
Ask God to forgive you for not believing His word as it is?
Oh that you may grasp this, that against all hope you will still have faith in God.
God is faithful not because He wants to be but because He is.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thought I am being rational but not knowing it's unbelief. Please help my unbelief and make me trust you more. Amen.
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