Key Text: [NLT] - Romans 12:12 Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.

Patience is the supernatural fruit of the Holy Spirit that helps a believer to enjoy the goodness of God in full according to God's plan.

To be patient is not weakness, it's an act of faith, it's believing the best is yet to come.

Indeed we are all looking forward to hear when this coronavirus will be wiped away from the surface of the earth.  People are worried not knowing what to do. 

Let us beware of impatience because it has the power to cut short our testimonies. Impatience contains the power of self-destruction. Patience has the ability to wait for the season of fruit-bearing and not cut short an amazing potential before its time.

Apostle Paul in the above text admonished believers to keep on praying in times of crisis.

Let's keep praying. Let's keep on trusting for in God's own time He will heal our lands and give us great testimonies.

Prayer: Spirit of the Living God give me this special fruit called "patience," so that I will not destroy my testimonies before they are due!

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