Sunday, 8 October 2017


|| There is no shyness in the operating room, you need to be naked in someway to be worked on.

TEXT: Psa 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

A surgeon can never operate where he has to until he cuts the exact region.
In the same vein, God cannot work on you if you are still covering your sins. You must repent, confess it as it is and surrender to Him.

When David was crying out, Create in me a pure heart, I believe that he was lying on a bed in God's operating room.Yes ready for God to cut through him to give him a clean heart.

For God to create in us a pure heart we need to walk into His operating room, yes a place where the Presence of God is inevitable.
Oh don't think about a location but a God conscious environment yes 'an Eden'. In the moments of prayer, worship, praise, waiting in fasting and meditation on His word.

A place where the mind, emotions, will, intellect, strength, pride etc are totally surrendered before God.
A place where one's will has been made submissive to God's will for the Spirit of God to take over.

Oh are you really naked before God, for Him to operate on you?
Are you still holding onto your pride and calling ''create in me a clean heart''?

Everything you called a stronghold must be surrendered before you can have a touch of God.
God demands absolute obedience and surrender from those who seek him.

In God's operating room only the surrendered get worked on.
Avail yourself for the touch of the Holy Spirit now.

Prayer: LORD, I Thank you. I count everything but lost to seek You alone. Amen

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