Elder Evans Sallah, the Assistant Area Youth Leader of the Church of Pentecost Achimota Area has urged Christian youth to wake up to their calling because time is running out.
Speaking to the theme "The Youth, God's tool in Building His Church," at the maiden Prayer Conference organized by the Youth ministry of the Church of Pentecost -Taifa District at the Church's Central Auditorium on Saturday Evening January 26, 2019, he said the youth are valuable tools in the hands of God in building His Church.
Taking his scripture reading from Mathew 16:18 & 1Corinthians 3:10-13, he said that God has already laid down the foundation for building his Church which is Christ Jesus.
"Due diligence is demanded from anyone who decides to build upon God's already laid foundation," he cautioned.
Elder Evans Sallah admonished that, each and every individual has been carefully selected by God for a particular purpose in his Kingdom business.
"We are called to be beneficial to the Church and the entire world for the purposes of God's Kingdom" he added.
Touching on Nehemiah's persistence towards his calling, he encouraged the youth to persevere despite the criticisms and threats that may come their way.
Elder Evans indicated that, "Nehemiah and those involved in the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem were mocked, intimidated, received war threats and even a prophet was hired to deceive them yet they achieved their purpose."
"How are you building on the foundation laid by God," he quizzed.
"Every material one uses in building upon the foundation will be tested by fire," he iterated.
"You don't need a pulpit to encourage, give or serve people. You don't need to sit at a high table at church to lead people. Wherever you are, do your best to serve your generation," he added.
He encouraged the Youth to own the Church and join hands with the Church leadership in possessing and transforming the nations to the glory of God.