Thursday, 28 September 2017


|| For your unbelief attitude in prayer.

Text: Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

E . M Bounds rightly said it when he made this statement "Heaven is too busy to listen to halfhearted prayers or pop-up calls."

Heaven is too busy to entertain your faithlessness towards God in prayer.

Yes no doubter in prayer will receive anything from God. Our attitude to and in prayer shows how serious we are before God.

Yes it not about letting the mouth shouts, the gymnastics at times we employ but a shouting heart.

Yes your lips may be closed but a shouting heart in prayer easily attracts heaven's attention.

Beloved have you recently checked your attitude to prayer?

Do you really believe God answers prayers?

Do you even wait in expectation after you have prayed?

One day Jesus told a certain that to him who believes all things are possible.

Oh Hallelujah!!!

The only required attitude to God is to believe that:

1. He exists
2. He is able
3. He rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Heaven is too busy for:

1. Your Unfocused prayer
2. Your Faithless prayer
3. Your lackadaisical attitude to prayer times
4. Your unscriptural prayers
5. Your selfish and self-centred prayers
6. Your pride in prayer
7. Your ill motives for praying
8. Your inconsistency in prayers

Oh that you may grasp this and tell your yourself I will confidently approach my God.

Yes it not too late, Go before him:

1. With faith
2. In humility
3. With expectations

For his grace is available to us all. Amen

PrayerOh Lord help me to cultivate the right attitude in prayer. Yes increase my faith in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


|| To walk without the ultimate lamp.

Text: Micah 2:7 Should it be said, O house of Jacob: "Is the Spirit of the LORD angry? Does he do such things?" " *Do not my words do good to him whose ways are upright?NIV

Where the Word does not bless, it curses; where it does not promise, it threatens.

The dangerous walk ever in the life of a believer is to walk ungirded by the word of God.

Yes it is dangerous for a believer whose warfare is not carnal to engage it without the word.
No matter how prosperous, intelligent, famous, wealthy, anointed you think you are, the journey is still dangerous without the word of God.

In the above verse a question was asked, Do not my words do good to him whose ways are upright?

Oh what a mighty God we serve. Whose words do us good when we abide in it.

Without  the Word:
1. You will lose the bearing to your purpose.

2. You will fight your battles with a wrong weapon

3. You are more vulnerable to defeat.

4. You can't see things with the lens of God.

5. You are unsure of landing safe.

6. You will be constantly disappointed because you know not the will of God.

7. You will definitely work for the enemy instead of God.

8. You can't redeem the times. Yes you can't know the seasons you face.

Beloved, Now you can agree with me that the dangerous walk ever is to live without the gospel. Then Arise and make God's word your priority.

Prayer: Lord I thank you. Help me to live by your word daily in my walk with you. Amen.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


|| A True confession after an encounter

Text: Luke 5:
5. Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets."

8. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!"

Hallelujah. Indeed our God is greater than all.

Beloved, the theme above was coined from the life experience of Apostle Peter.
He met Jesus at the sea shore when he had toiled all night on the sea without any catch.

Peter first addressed Jesus Christ as a Master (that was a respect he gave Him) but upon believing His words and took the pain to launch into the deep, He then came back to call him LORD ( an act of surrender and worship).

Beloved, where are you now?
Are you still with your Master's perception about Christ or His Lordship perception?

The bridge from Master to Lord encounter is obedience

1. Are you pursuing that heavenly vision God gave you?

2. Have you been obedient to the voice of God concerning the career path you should choose?

3. Have you started the business God gave you the nod to do?

4. Have you done the fast and the waiting the Spirit prompted you to do?

5. Have you forgiven that person?

6. Have you extended the helping hand to that person God told you to do?

Beloved, if you really want living testimonies then trust God for the impossible

Yes, Just launch your net to where he has told you.
Remember testimony awaits everyone who obeys.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank you for this word. Help me to obey You even for the impossible. Amen.