Thursday, 13 July 2017


|| Understanding the times.

We are in the era of spiritual Hunger.

People are grabbing everything that sense 'prophetic'.

But let's delve deeper.

Even Facebook is aware of the times how much more you the church.

Hmmm Facebook is now making it convenient for you to consult Horoscopes, tarot card readers,diviners and You are happy.

Who told an App must predict your destiny?

Has the Holy Spirit now employed zuckerberg to tell you
1. Who you will marry?
2. Your career?
3. Ministry ?
4. Your purpose?

So how do you treat their outcome.
Are they Spirit led?

Don't deceive yourself.

Yes it may be fun but it's deadly.
They're using the data they have about you to do all there predictions.
Hmmmm let's beware of Satanism and new world order agenda of FB.

They want to ignite your desire to consult mediums in attempt to know your destiny.

It seems harmless but BEWARE.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017


|| You're make or break by the information you feed on

Text: Psalms 101
[3]I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them.

Sometimes you hear people praying oh Lord change me but they are not willing to change their libraries.

Most people libraries are full of corrupted information. These information keep them to their old evil thinking pattern.

David wanted to deal with Addictions and Lusts and he set out the rules.

1. I will refuse to look at: Here he is taking that responsibility upon himself. Beloved despite you being full of the Holy Spirit you still have the power to choose.
You must always make the choice to refuse to watch or hear.

Praying in tongues can't get this work done it is a Decision to be taken by you.

2. Anything vile or vulgar: sometimes I wonder how some Christians rush to look for new released sex tapes claiming that it's not porn.

But this same person is praying to stop masturbation and pornography.

Beloved vile is vile no matter the Brand Name.

You've to change your:
1. Media library ( movies, music etc if you want to live holy)
2. Books, Television shows
3. Celebrities having negative impact on you etc.

Yes it costs but it worth to pay it now. Freedom is never free it has a price tag.

Check your videos ( are the porn videos still there?) then I'm sorry you can't stop that sexual sin. You must delete them now.

Remember: Your thoughts reflect the stuff in your library.

Prayer: Lord, grant me the grace to refuse to look at or keep any vile information.



Text: Psa 109:4 In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a man of prayer.

Weak people talk, complain, retaliate but Strong people pray and pursue the will of God.

You can determine a person maturity by observing how he/ she handles crisis when it comes.

Weak people fight their battles at the lower level where they can easily be defeated but Strong people take it higher to deal with it.

Beloved, David got into a situation where he was faced with rejection but still He was a man of prayer.

He didn't shout for the attention of the media but Cried out for Heaven's attention.

When storms arise in your life who hears it first?
Is it daddy, mummy, fiancé(e), Pastor etc?

Beloved, Let God hear your case first, for he alone can help you.
Get this - it is God who causes people to help us, so let Him do the talking.*

Remember: weak people talk; strong people pray.

Prayer: Lord, make me strong enough to cast my burden upon you without hesitation in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, 11 July 2017


Addictions are of different phases and kinds. Some seem harmless but the truth is no addiction is harmless. Every addiction has what it takes from the addict life. So far as you’re not smoking but lying does not make you better than the former.
 In fact in the sight of God all addicts are all the same. The reality is that the struggles that one addiction will bring to a person may be different from what another addiction will bring. Children, youth and adults all over the world are crying for freedom from the bullies of addiction.

Addictions are bullying all kinds of people, the poor and the rich, the common and the uncommon, the priests and the laity, giants and the dwarf. In fact we are struggling in one way or the other.
But the good news is that some people have been able to cross from addictions to the city of freedom in Christ Jesus. Yes, there are a lot of people with worst stories but great testimonies around the globe. Many people are still struggling and they frequently ask themselves how long? Is it how God wants me to live? Some go to the extent of even questioning God if he really exists?